Sunday, March 8, 2009

3 images

Serpent & the Rose

This is not my best work. This is probably something I never displayed infront of anybody.

Favourite piece of architecture (at the moment) : Dominus Winery by Herzog & De Meuron

Sometimes simplicity is the best. Due to the use of stones of various sizes and shapes, light enters the building through crevices and creates the most interesting shadows on the inside walls. In contrast to the metallic glow of the bird's nest in Beijing, this structure appears more natural as the stones retain their actual tones and help the building merge with its surroundings.

Something beautiful: Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright

I sometimes wonder what makes this place so beautiful. Does nature enhance the beauty of Wright's design or is it the other way round? However, even the most beautiful thing has its flaws. The owners of Falling Water did not find this house very functional and were often unhappy with the side effects of placing it on top of a waterfall.


  1. HEI!!
    i was the one who marked ur SOH sketch yesterday...
    i thght that even thght ur drawing skill is not as good...
    but i relly like ur 3D XD..
    (im strggling wif it nw) =.=

  2. my name is not BADHOM. It ends with an N. thank u. i did not take the opera poster seriously i did it in 30mins and another 30mins to write. i wasted all my energy on the sketchup cos i have no experience. thank u for yr review. good luck with yr model! :)
